
Age Groups:
2-3 years:
Pre school starts towards the end of a child’s second year, and up to the end of their third year. Our Pre school carers goals’ are to provide each child with a positive attitude towards reading, writing and numeracy. This is achieved through mediums of music, painting, drawing, water/sand play, playdough, baking and stories. In this fun environment, children enjoy learning and are instilled with a yearning to learn more.
3-5 years:
Moving from Nursery to ‘big’ School is a huge step for your child. We help your child to prepare for a successful transition and also for future success in school and life.
We encourage children to think for themselves and with gentle guidance and the curriculum we follow, children become adept at problem solving, and working together. Their confidence grows as positive reinforcement and nurturing each child’s social skills ensures a bright beneficial and very busy year which ensures a smooth transition to one of the big milestones for everyone involved as they embrace the School World.
Children attend either :
Full time basis (3 hours free as part of their day)
Morning session 9.30am – 12.30 noon (free)
Afternoon session 1pm – 4pm (free)
ECCE Scheme:
Duagh Childcare are registered for the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme (ECCE) Government Early Years Scheme. Learn more here
Our Location
Duagh Childcare,
Duagh Family Centre,
Co. Kerry
Childcare Sector Partners

Connect With Us
Tel: (087)9981372