Baby & Toddler Care
Baby Care
- We provide a clean, spacious, colourful and fun environment for Babies.
- We have an excellent Staff to Baby Ratio ensuring your baby gets all the special attention and care they require.
- Lots of fun interactive playtime.
- Nutritious homemade meals for all stages of weaning.
- A daily report with details of meals, naps and nappy changes so you can keep in touch with your babies routine.
- A settling in period the week before starting creche so your baby can get used to their new surroundings, new faces and crucially their new carers.
- We will try to accommodate any special requests you may have for your baby, so please get in touch to talk to us about your requirements.
For further information view our ‘Parent’s Handbook’ here.
- Once your child is up and about and has taken his/her first few steps, he/she will progress to our Wobble room.
- Our Wobble Room is a child-centred environment in which children are encouraged to explore, experiment, create, imagine, interact and ultimately to learn through the medium of play.
- Our experienced staff will encourage your toddler’s curiosity as well as promoting their social, emotional and physical development.
- In the Wobble Room, children will make their first friends and in this process, will start to learn the concept of sharing.
- A daily report is kept with details of meals, naps and nappy changes or toilet activity so you can keep in touch with their routine.
For further information view our ‘Parent’s Handbook’ here.

- At this stage your toddler will gradually start to develop language skills, begin to understand and talk about the world around them and quickly progress their physical skills, as they become more confident walking, running and climbing!
- Our experienced staff will encourage your toddler’s curiosity as well as promoting their social, emotional and physical development.
- Activities such as; arts and crafts, baking, music, physical exercise and circle time is incorporated into the daily routine
- Toddlers are introduced to a more structured play and learning environment based on their individual needs.
- A daily report is kept with details of meals, naps and nappy changes or toilet activity so you can keep in touch with their routine.
Our Location
Duagh Childcare,
Duagh Family Centre,
Co. Kerry
Childcare Sector Partners

Connect With Us
Tel: (087)9981372