Breakfast & Afterschool Club
Breakfast Club
- The Breakfast Club operates from 8am – 9am Monday to Friday.
- Our afterschool staff will organise and supervise breakfast and activities.
- The children are offered a breakfast comprising of cereals, toast, milk and fruit.
- Breakfast finished at 8.30 am and the children can participate in activities until they are ready to leave for school.

Afterschool Club
- Our Afterschool Service is available throughout the year.
- It starts when children are collected from school and ends at 6pm.
- Homework time is scheduled and supervised and nutritious snacks and hot dinners are provided in our state of the art kitchen.
- There is an arts and crafts programme, as well as other interesting activities (games, dressing up, etc.) available to cater for the individual needs of this age group.
Our Location
Duagh Childcare,
Duagh Family Centre,
Co. Kerry
Childcare Sector Partners

Connect With Us
Tel: (087)9981372